Have you wanted to take a closer look at Moodle or increase your skill to better serve your students and teaching experience? Join Molly to bring your Moodle from “Meh” to “Magnificent!” During these casual sessions, Molly will go through topics such as: Template Options to aid with organization, Taking a look at Tools, Gradebook options and set up, Make Lecture Capture your friend, Calendars, Due Dates and Checklists (Oh my!), and making your Moodle more Aesthetically pleasing! These topics were carefully identified during the recent LMS Review that students and faculty alike wanted to see as experiences they would like to see improved. Come to one or come to them all on select Mondays throughout the summer! Content will be delivered via Zoom.
Find the right template for your course to deliver your content to your students with ease and to help everyone stay organized.