Alternative to Using the SpeedGrader (by Angela Mak)

This blog post may be especially helpful for those who are looking for grading files other than Word or pdf files.
In Spring 2024, I am teaching an advanced statistics class that requires grading Excel files.

For any Canvas assignments, you can download all submissions as a zip file:

On your computer, you can unzip it and extract all the files to a folder.

You can then grade and annotate on each file, then save your work. Please remember NOT to change the file names. For example:

(Note: I have crossed out the name of the student, but the file name should have the name of the student listed first, followed by some specific numbers unique to this assignment. The Excel file itself is CoachesPay.xlsx.)

Just save any changes or annotations you have made and do NOT change the file name.

After that, you can zip the folder again, and re-upload the submissions as a zip file:

Again, I find this function especially useful for grading assignments that need to be opened locally on my computer. I hope this blog post is helpful!

I greatly appreciate the chance to be a Canvas pilot and a Canvas coach this semester.

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